Contact for customers

Are you a helag-elec­tron­ic cus­tom­er, or are you inter­ested in our products?
Mr. Freiberg will be happy to help.

Mr. Jür­gen Freiberg
Dir­ect­or of Sales and Busi­ness Development

Phone +49 7452.824–150

Contact for suppliers

If you are an exist­ing or a new part­ner, sup­pli­er or ser­vice pro­vider, Mr. Braun will be happy to help.

Mr. Daniel Braun
Head of Purchasing

Phone +49 7452.824–120

Contact for candidates

Are you inter­ested in work­ing for helag-elec­tron­ic, or would you like to com­plete your voca­tion­al train­ing with helag-elec­tron­ic as your voca­tion­al train­ing partner?

Mr. Dr. Phil­ipp Egeler
Human Resources

Phone +49 7452.824–135

Social Networks