
helag-elec­tron­ic is a medi­um-sized com­pany that devel­ops and pro­duces cus­tom­ized solu­tions in the form of switches, con­trol pan­els, sensors, reg­u­lat­ors and con­trol pan­els for the world’s lead­ing high-class car manufacturers.


helag electronic Nagold Firmenzentrale Schild

Wel­come to helag-elec­tron­ic, products & innov­a­tion for the auto­mot­ive sup­ply industry

The company

helag electronic Nagold Firmenzentrale Gebäude Front

Our flex­ib­il­ity and our focus on auto­mot­ive make us experts in our field.

Corporate identity video

Image Film helag electronic Nagold auf YouTube

Our cor­por­ate iden­tity video. A look behind the scenes – helag-elec­tron­ic live and in action.

Quality and environmental policy

helag-elec­tron­ic’s man­age­ment approach is guided by qual­ity / envir­on­ment­al policy, social-eth­ic­al and energy-sav­ing aspects.

Quality and environmental policy
We offer our cus­tom­ers innov­at­ive ideas, high-qual­ity products at com­pet­it­ive prices and a com­pre­hens­ive, part­ner­ship-based service.

Inspir­ing innovations.
Qual­ity, reli­ab­il­ity and sus­tain­ab­il­ity are the driv­ing force behind everything we do. We apply ourselves to cre­at­ing val­ues for our cus­tom­ers. Innov­at­ive solu­tions ensure our joint success.

With our cer­ti­fic­a­tion to the stand­ards ISO 9001, TISAX, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001, we ensure that we meet our cor­por­ate social respons­ib­il­ity. We view occu­pa­tion­al health and safety and treat­ing the envir­on­ment with care as equally import­ant cor­por­ate goals.

Our work­force is our most import­ant asset. Secure employ­ment, good voca­tion­al train­ing and fur­ther qual­i­fic­a­tion oppor­tun­it­ies, and a motiv­at­ing and inspir­ing work envir­on­ment all con­trib­ute to the real­iz­a­tion of our goals and strategies.

We offer our sup­pli­ers reli­ab­il­ity, know-how, fair­ness and a rela­tion­ship that is based on respect and cooper­a­tion, as well as a fair price.

We also expect our sup­pli­ers to show that they take their cor­por­ate, social and envir­on­ment­al respons­ib­il­it­ies seriously.



To an inter­na­tion­ally act­ive auto­mot­ive sup­pli­er, glob­al­iz­a­tion means also offer­ing our cus­tom­ers the reli­able sup­ply and sup­port they receive in their home coun­tries loc­ally in the growth regions.

helag-elec­tron­ic util­izes the concept of glob­al­iz­a­tion pre­cisely where it makes eco­nom­ic sense and is a con­struct­ive long-term approach that bene­fits the cus­tom­ers as well as the com­pany. Col­lab­or­a­tions work well if they are based on strict qual­ity stand­ards, part­ner­ship and an equal foot­ing. helag-elec­tron­ic does busi­ness inter­na­tion­ally in cooper­a­tion with part­ners in the Czech Repub­lic, Poland and China.

Globalization Globe Icons


At helag-elec­tron­ic, every staff mem­ber makes a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion to our joint success.

Jörg LawrenzChief Exec­ut­ive Officer
We at helag-elec­tron­ic meet the huge chal­lenges asso­ci­ated with the auto­mot­ive industry’s tech­no­lo­gic­al trans­form­a­tion with unbridled energy and the devel­op­ment of innov­a­tions. In our com­pany, our work­force, from the research and devel­op­ment to the pro­duc­tion staff, form the basis for meet­ing the expect­a­tions of our cus­tom­ers to the best of our abil­it­ies. With flex­ib­il­ity and con­tinu­ous fur­ther devel­op­ment in all areas of the com­pany, we over­come the chal­lenges posed by the cur­rent events.

Corporate identity video

Company history

Helmut Henninger, Emil Lamparth and Wern­er Gieb­n­er signed the helag-elec­tron­ic GmbH art­icles of incor­por­a­tion on August 25, 1975. Ini­tially, the com­pany developed and pro­duced vari­able capa­cit­ors for the broad­cast­ing industry. In the fol­low­ing years, fur­ther com­pon­ents were added to the product palette, which enabled helag to evolve into an ori­gin­al equip­ment man­u­fac­turer for renowned car com­pan­ies. High-volume orders from Audi, Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW, for whom helag pro­duced com­pon­ents such as win­dow switches, spindle poten­tiomet­er or in-car head­phone sys­tems, fol­lowed from the 1980s onwards. Today’s product spec­trum primar­ily extends to con­trol pan­els, seat heat­ing con­trol­lers, push but­ton mod­ules and brake light switch sensors. The com­pany’s largest and most import­ant cus­tom­er is Volk­swa­gen AG.

helag’s stra­tegic acquis­i­tion by the Boysen Group fol­lowed in 2020. A win–win situ­ation for those respons­ible for the takeover: “From the Boysen per­spect­ive, we have on the one hand exten­ded our product palette, and on the oth­er also cre­ated syn­ergy effects in the areas of elec­tron­ics and sensor sys­tems which, as every­one knows, also play an increas­ingly more vital role in the exhaust sys­tems area,” says Boysen CEO Rolf Geisel. Boysen also gained new cap­ab­il­it­ies in the area of plastics pro­cessing, which is neces­sary for elec­tron­ic com­pon­ent encasing.

“In turn, helag bene­fits from the fact that Boysen is the per­fect par­ent com­pany, and that the takeover happened at exactly the right time. For a start, the group of com­pan­ies offers us struc­tur­al oppor­tun­it­ies that make it pos­sible for us to address the mar­ket once more with renewed fierce­ness,” says helag CEO Jörg Lawrenz. “In addi­tion, we can now also rely on the glob­al pro­duc­tion net­work offered by Boysen’s numer­ous world­wide sites for the acquis­i­tion of new cus­tom­ers. We intend to make good use of the res­ult­ing tailwind.”